- Member-owned - An organisation or individual taking out cover with Masonic Mutual Limited becomes a Member. The Mutual is owned by and run for the benefit of its Members. We have no shareholders expecting a return on their investment. All Members are entitled to attend our AGMs and can vote on important matters such as who sits on our Board of Directors.
- Insurance Companies - Masonic Mutual Limited has been set up with the aim of offering cover at a competitive price that could decrease as the Membership increases. It also seeks to remove insurance brokers' commission/fees, and because it is a discretionary Mutual, it has certain tax benefits not available to conventional insurers.
- Mutual Trading Surpluses - If income from the Members' Contributions exceeds claims and expenses, the resulting surplus belongs to the Members and can be used to benefit our members.
- Cover - Cover can be customised to suit the individual needs of a Member.
- Discretion - Payment of claims is at the discretion of the Board of Directors, but this does mean that the Directors have the power to agree to settle claims which fall outside the terms of a Member's cover.